
The Coast Guard Tactical Law Enforcement Foundation is a 100% volunteer run 501(c)(3) non-profit charitable organization that supports the families of seriously injured or killed Deployable Specialized Forces (DSF).

What we do

We support Deployable Specialized Forces and Coast Guard Tactical Law Enforcement families during tragic times of greatest need with two main programs: the Emergency Assistance Fund (EAF) and the Nate Bruckenthal Memorial Scholarship. We also support with other scholarship programs, sponsor units, and support our regional chapters. 

Emergency assistance fund

When catastrophic events happen, we rapidly dispense EAF support to enable our Deployable Specialized Forces and Tactical Law Enforcement families to focus on what matters the most.

The EAF is established to assist our families with travel costs, lodging, living expenses, funeral arrangements, and other extraordinary expenses related to the emergency that the service is not authorized to cover.

This eliminates the need for teammates at the local level have to "pass the hat," and instead frees them up to support the family in more direct ways. 

All of this is possible because of the generous ongoing support of our many members and donors.

Prior examples include:

  • When a member broke his neck in training, we supported hotel and travel costs so his nine-month pregnant wife could stay near him

  • Supported a member who suffered the tragic and unexpected loss their child

  • Funds for complete childcare of a toddler when a member on deployment to CENTCOM lost his wife unexpectedly

Learn more about the Emergency Assistance Fund including how we work with DSF Commands...

nate bruckenthal memorial scholarship

We have watched DSF personnel work tirelessly toward the mission, willingly sacrificing the opportunity to take advantage of the educational opportunities that exist for service members. This sacrifice shall not go unnoticed. We are very excited to support our community of patriots with the Nate Bruckenthal Memorial Scholarship. The recipient of this scholarship will be named a Coast Guard Tactical Law Enforcement Foundation Scholar and be supported with up to $10,000 in scholarship benefits. 

In close coordination with Mr. Ric Bruckenthal and the Foundation's Board of Directors, we have modeled this program to honor Nate Bruckenthal for what he continues to represent today: a man of great integrity, character, and service. Nate made the ultimate sacrifice for this country. Nate was a committed operator and patriot. Nate is a Brother to this community.

Continue learning about the Nate Bruckenthal Memorial Scholarship

fundraising Events

We hold several fundraising events around the country every year. Events are typically organized at the grassroots level by a motivated person or team. Golf, fishing, motorcycle rides, you name it, we're open to any type of event you want to organize. 


Since 2012 we have helped multiple families overcome the most difficult of circumstances. Your support as a member makes all of this possible.

  • Provided Emergency Assistance Fund support to over 1,000 family members in need

  • Launched the Nate Bruckenthal Memorial Scholarship, our main scholarship, and others, and have supported 45 students to date with scholarships.

  • 13 local chapters in cities throughout the country.

  • Sponsored dozens of special fundraising and family events to support the TLE Community

Who We are

We are a 100% volunteer team of current and veteran Deployable Specialized Forces members

  • Richard Mozeleski, Founder & Board Member

  • Mark Ketchum, Founder & Board Member

  • Ryan Patterson, Founder & Board Member

  • Matt Rogers, Board Member, Director of Regional Support

  • Nick Alphonso, Board Member, Director of Chapter Operations

Click here to learn more about the leadership team

Join Today to Support our DSF Families!